Kenny’s Resource Page is a great page to Add to your favorites.
I have received countless emails asking me what tools I use to build my website, bring traffic to my website, market my affiliates or add social media followers.
So I decided to build this webpage to answer many of those questions.
Many of the products, I either use or strongly recommend!
Dont Know Where to Start,
Site Build It You will see me promoting Site Build It throughout
I am a huge believer and supporter of Site Build It.
They truly teach you how to build a website that can bring you multiple streams of income.
I didn’t know anything about websites, how to bring traffic to a website, how to make money from a website before I connected with SBI. ABSOULTELY NOTHING!!!
Proof of SBI… MakeMoney-Whj was built and is still currently powered by Site Build It .
SBI is what I call an all in one website. (Hosting, a Domain name , Form Creators, Auto responders, Mail list managers, Keyword research, Help Forums, Facebook Applications, Google Applications, Twitter Applications, Search engine reports, Traffic reports and many more , the list just goes on and on.)
Blue Host - Is a great option for a First Website or Blog.
Blue Host is much cheaper than many other website Host.
The customer care service in my opinion is one of the best.
You can even use the online chat for help if needed.
Can’t Beat that, that’s hard to find now days.
You will also see me promoting Blue Host a lot. My Blog is Built and Powered by Blue Host.
Artisteer -
is a very good editor tool for beginners.
It saves you the time of having to learn HTML. Unlike many of your other designer tools, Artisteer is not limited to just a few different templates, you have many to choose from. Along with many of the other great things about Artisteer, you are provided with a Free Trial period.
WordPress Thesis - When it comes to blogging, in my opinion nothing tops Word Press. Word Press Thesis is a tool that most of your top(Big Money) Bloggers are using to create better looking and functioning blogs.
Woo Themes - The best resource for Word Press Themes.
Elance -
You can hire someone from Elance to help you create almost anything your website needs.
oDesk -
is another site you can find someone to create just about any and everything you need for a website or social media.
vWorker - If you don’t want to go through the trouble of completing a job on your own, you can hire someone from Vworker to complete whatever website job you need completed.
Market Samurai - you will not find a better keyword tool on the market. It will save you tons of time and efforts by just showing you the stats of each keyword. Knowing which keywords to target can make or break a website or blog.
Aweber - is one of my most important tools. It is by far the best tool for back ending deals via email and newsletters.
I make 70% of all affiliate sells from Newsletters and Email updates. (Key is only providing products you know will help your visitors…Never Spam).
Great for building Leads, Making Sales, and most important TRAFFIC!!!!
Video Auto Posters are good if you post a lot of videos.
You can get your content on many different Video Sharing Sites with one submit.
A Great place to
find affiliates to promote on your page.
You can find something in almost every category.
PayPal- is a must have in the Online world. For many affiliate programs you are paid through PayPal. Also when you set up Shopping Carts you need PayPal to help you accept payments. I think it’s one of the safest ways to accept and send payments over the internet. I mean after all, they are owned by eBay.
ClickBank - Is a great place to offer affiliate programs for your products.
Why not earn money passively from your digital products and let someone else worry about selling them for you.
E-junkie - is also another great place to offer affiliate programs for your products as well as a shopping cart, you can use to sell eBooks or other digital products.
I will always try my best to be up front with you at all times. I will earn a commission on some of the affiliate links if purchased through my links. Again I don’t recommend anything I don’t honestly believe will or could help you.
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