Ken Blue
MUST KNOW!! LinkedIn Tips and Tricks!!!???

Good keywords to use to optimize your LinkedIn Profile
It’s good to know which keywords bring the most traffic if you are trying to optimize your profile page.

13 Keywords to stay away from using
There some keywords that are PLAYED OUT and people are not drawn to them anymore.

Ken Blue

How to get up to 1000 connections in 20 Days?
Add up to 1000 connections in 20 Days.
Ken Blue

13 steps to perfectly optimize your profile
Tips to Make a Perfect 150% optimized profile page

Ken Blue

How to rank higher and be in 50+ more search results a day on Linkedin?
Learn How to be in more search results and get higher ranked on Linkedin

Why your profile picture is more important than you think?
You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Why you should add Apps to your Linkedin Profile?
Apps can change your profile from a boring undesirable page to an attention grabber.

What Apps should you use on your Linkedin Page?

Why you should get active in groups?
Groups are a great way to connect with and meet new connections, as well branding yourself as an expert in your field.

What groups should you be actively apart of?
It’s important to know what groups to join. You are limited to the number of groups you are allowed to join.

Customize your Linkedin Profile URL
You want to customize your profile so it looks like a real person’s profile instead of all of those numbers on the end.

Ken Blue


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Related Linkedin Pages
LinkedIn Tools and Apps
LinkedIn Tips and Tricks
Secrets on How to get up to 1000 connections in 20 Days?
13 steps to perfectly optimize your profile
How to rank higher and come up in 50+ more search results a day on Linkedin

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