Ken Blue

Make Money with Amazon’s Create Space

MakeMoney-WHJ’s GOAL

Is to provide Multiple ways to make money online as well as offline. Also to teach others how to brand themselves, add more friends, fans, and followers to their social networks.

Amazon’s Create Space lets you create your own material to sell.

Many of you out there have written or wanting to write a book but don’t want to pay the upfront expensive for your product.

CreateSpace is a perfect option to consider.

Being able to sell your product through Amazon is already a major plus; they generate a ton of traffic on their own already.
Amazon is a very established company.

Amazon will let you create a book, audio, or cd and will provide the publishing for you.
You have to stay within their guidelines.

A great thing about Amazon is you can print on demand instead of having to buy a bunch of copies you might sell or you might not.

This saves you a ton of money on the front end.
Just imagine if you have a product, CD, or Book that goes viral.

The next question is how?
Well glad you asked!!!!

Follow and make sure you are within the CreateSpace Guidelines but here are extra tips

- Go to and create an account

- You want to make sure everything is correct including grammar. CreateSpace look more at how you are formatting everything not so much on the grammar.

- You need to make sure everything is in PDF format.

- Make sure the Cover is attractive.
No Attention Grabber, No Purchase

- Log into your CreateSpace account, from here you can create your Title and other information like the Author Bio.

- Next you can get your ISBN number.
Follow the directions; it will walk you through it.

- Next you can upload you cover as well as your text files.

It’s very simple.
If you have ever uploaded a picture or any small file, this should be a piece of cake.

- From here CreateSpace should tell you how much it will cost.

- Now it’s time to list the price of your product and if you want it listed on Amazon, which you do.

- After that is decided.
CreateSpace will show you, what the royalties for your books are.

- You are almost ready to rock and roll.
After everything is submitted, CreateSpace will let you know if all of your files have been approved.
This usually happens between 24 and 48 hours.

- With CreateSpace you only have to pay the shipping and handling, and production cost.

- Once everything is approved you are good to go, but you might have to wait 15 business days for everything to go through.

- Keep up with all of your stats through your Createspace dashboard.

Here are some of the Printing Cost.

- For the black and white standard plan.
Books that have 24-108 pages: $3.66
Books that have 110 to 828 pages: $1.50 Plus $0.02 per page:

- For the black and white Pro Plan
24 Pages to 108 page Books are: $2.15
110 Pages to 828 pages Books are $0.85 plus $0.012 per page:

Here is the standard Printing cost
108 pages- $3.66
150 pages- $4.50
222 pages- $5.94

Here is standard PRO Printing cost
108 pages- $2.15
150 pages- $2.65
222 pages- $3.51

Do you know how much Royalties you should get? If not you should!

Your CreateSpace royalties equal the list price minus the cost of printing.

Amazon gets 40% of the list price if it’s sold on Amazon, and CreateSpace gets 20% of the list price if it’s sold on CreateSpace.

Royalties if the book is $15.00 and sold at Amazon with the STANDARD Plan:
108 pages: $15.00 (40%) = $5.34
150 pages: $15.00 (40%) = $4.50
222 pages: $15.00 (40%) = $3.06

Royalties if the book is $15.00 and sold at Amazon with the PRO Plan:
108 pages: $15.00 = $6.85
150 pages: $15.00 = $6.35
222 pages: $15.00 = 5.49

Royalties if the book is $15.00 and sold at CreateSpace with the STANDARD Plan
108 pages- $15.00 = $8.34
150 pages- $15.00 = $3.50
222 pages- $15.00 = $6.06

Royalties if the book is $15.00 and sold at CreateSpace with the PRO Plan
108 pages: $15.00 = $9.85
150 pages: $15.00 = $9.35
222 pages: $15.00 = $8.49

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