Make Money with Classified Ads MakeMoney-WHJ’s GOAL Is to provide Multiple ways to make money online as well as offline. Also to teach others how to brand themselves, add more friends, fans, and followers to their social networks. |
Classified Ad sites are some of the most visited sites on the internet. Millions of people visit every single day so that means tons of free traffic. A lot of the major as well as all newspaper ads have dropped because of online free classified ad sites like Craigslist and Backpage.
But on the flip side many of the free online classified ad sites are doubling and tripling in traffic. All online classified ad usage has doubled in traffic in the last 5 to 6 years.
One source said that 7 to 9% of all internet visitors visit an online classified site. Now that is major!!!!
Many affiliate marketers and other internet entrepreneurs are using these sites to make major dough!!!
While a lot of classified ads are great, I would focus my attention on the top sites first. The sites that are bring in the most traffic.
BackPage Learn how to make money on Backpage. Find out what secrets the affiliate marketers, eBook sellers, and other internet entrepreneurs use to succeed on Backpage and other classified sites.
EBay Classified Ads EBay classified ads are a great way to make money as well as bring your current store, garage sale, flea market booth, or where ever you choose to sell your items, exposure.
Craigslist Classified Ads Craigslist is a great site to make money online selling different types of products. It’s a major site that receives a lot of traffic. Craigslist is the most visited Classified Ad Site.
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